Hardy Process Solutions (USA) - E-Scales offer complete network flexibility with integrated communications.
Hardy Process Solutions introduces the Hardy E-ScaleTM Bench scale series with the world’s first IIoT-ready (Industrial Internet of Things) scale base. It includes an integrated Hardy weight processor for direct network connection to EtherNet/IP®, Profibus-DP®, Modbus or Ethernet networks.
Hardy E-Scales are ideal for dry food processing, laboratory and industrial installations. Applications include piece count and portion control, minor ingredients or hand-add applications, small batch reactor applications for chemical/biochemical, machine filling and dispensing, conveyer scales and more.
Designed for ultimate flexibility, the E-Scale comes in a variety of configurations with a built-in interface for direct connection to a PLC, PAC, DCS or PC. The E-SCALE-6500 is an IIoT ready scale with integrated weight processing and communications. The E-SCALE-6610 is capable of powering up to 20 scales daisy-chained up to 50 ft. from beginning to end to a single Hardy HI 6600 Gateway Module. The Gateway Module provides a single Ethernet connection back to the PLC/PAC or PC – no additional power is required.
All E-Scales come standard in 12” x 12” and 24” x 24” sizes and range in capacity from 33 lbs. to 1300 lbs. (15 kg to 600 kg). With built-in communications, E-Scales eliminate possible failure points and the cost of extra splice-boxes and other network components.
Bench scale covers are stainless steel for superior durability, and bases have no bearings, spirit levels or moving parts that can be damaged or wear out. Hardy E-Scales come standard with Hardy Process Toolbox features, including: Waversaver®, C2®, Webserver, and Rockwell Automation integration tools such as Faceplates and Add-on- Profiles.
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