Bizerba (Germany) - Press Release: Intelligent ease of use with item recognition at the self-service scale.
Expectations for the shopping experiences are increasingly on the rise among retail customers. Intelligent ease of use with AI-based object recognition at self-service scales has been contributing to an improved shopping experience – for example, in the produce department or among unpackaged goods. After all, given increasingly extensive product assortments, item selection at the scales has become quite the challenge.
Object recognition reduces input errors in the self-service area:
In addition to intelligent ease of use, there is another good reason for AI-based item recognition. This is because incorrect entries are often made unintentionally, causing false registrations. For the retailer, both can bring about significant sales losses.
The solution: AI-based object recognition:
AI-based object recognition is a revolution in the self-service area! Automatic item recognition makes use of self-learning artificial intelligence, which learns to identify products more reliably each and every day. The basis for this is not only the images and associated meta data captured at your scales, but you also benefit from a global data pool in the secure Bizerba Cloud. It is consistently augmented with updated images and meta data from all object recognition scales connected around the world. Consequently, item recognition is becoming more and more precise, and all on its own, without you having to do anything.
Customers appreciate the additional convenience. They simply place the desired product on the scale and, with an integrated camera system, the item recognition software automatically detects the product. The touch display shows a pre-selection, from which customers only need to select the appropriate item. The system registers the product and prints out the label. Object recognition thus makes shopping more convenient, while reducing incorrect entries in the self-service area at the same time.
Greater convenience and fewer losses made easy:
Improved ease of use, because shoppers don’t want to memorize item numbers, search for item keys, or struggle through submenus on touch displays. More time for relaxed shopping, reducing losses caused by false registrations: The revolutionary AI-based item recognition at self-service scales yields advantages all around. All without too much effort! Implementing the AI-based system for the self-service area is fast, and the learning effort for your team is basically insignificant.
At a glance:
- IIntelligent ease of use with item recognition
- Item recognition protects you from sales losses
- Low implementation effort for AI-based object recognition
Area of Use:
- Unattended self-service area, e.g. produce
- Fresh food counter, e.g. meat, deli, cheese, fish
- Self-filling concepts, e.g. nuts, pasta, cereals
- Non-food, e.g. Screws, nuts, nails, brackets
- Supermarkets
- Stores with unpackaged goods
- DIY stores
Solution components:
- RetailApp ObjectRecognition
- Retail scales with standard camera: K3 800, MC II 500 Pro or XC II 800 Pro
- RetailPowerScale, RetailStore
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